apartmaji, sobe otok hvar

Sobe in apartmaji - otok Hvar 2025!

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Pakleni Islands
Pakleni Islands

Pakleni islands

The group of 20 islands and rocks spreading in front of the Hvar town is called Pakleni islands (Paklinski), and it is a unique and most recognisable natural beauty of Hvar. Once without any vegetation, just barely covered with aromatic herbs and few cultivated fields ( there was a corn crops) and with a small settlement Vloka, today it represent very popular Hvar tourist excursion resort, well known around a world, specially among sailsman.

Naturist map
Naturist map
The largest island between Pakleni islands is Saint Klement with settlement Palmizana, where on the north side is bay with ACI marina, and on the south side is a bay (Vinogradisce) with several restaurants, and berths for boats, usually crowded all day in the season. If you want to see and be seen this is the place to go.

The naturist lovers have found their space under the sun in Pakleni island also (see map), and besides a restaurants offer, there are also beach bars for those who want to party during the day. Excursion boats are sailing all day between diferent spots on Pakleni islands and Hvar harbour (Usually in front of Arsenal in Hvar).

Fortress Fortica (Španjola)

Has been built on the hill above the old part of the city of Hvar in the middle of 16 century. It is a arhitectural witness of a military history, with a wonderful view of the Hvar town, its surroundings and the nearby islands. Some of the best photos of Hvar are taken from here.

Hvar cathedral

Together with a Bishops temple closes the east side of largest square in Dalmatia - Hvar piaca (square of St. Stjepan). Cathedral is dedicated to St. Stjepan the pope - protector of the diocese and the Hvar city. The cathedral is also the center of the Catholic district of Hvar.

Hvar theatre (and Arsenal)

Theatre and arsenal
Theatre and arsenal
One of the first public theathers in Europe established in 1612. It has been built above ancient Arsenal (the area for repairing and storing galias and boats). The outer part of the theatre is mainly preserved in its original form, while the inside arhitecture belongs to the 19th century.

Franciscan monastery

Franciscan monastery
Franciscan monastery
Has been established in 1461. Inside the monastrys peace and quiet, you can enyoj in its reach museum, including a collection of paintings from old masters.

Benedictian convent

Benedictian convent
Benedictian convent
Exists in Hvar since 1664, when 2 nuns came from Island of Pag, so that a convent  can start with its mission.   People from Hvar have long ago (from 1534) wanted to establish this convent , so some people have donated a lot in order to start it.

Besides mainly a spiritual character which this convent gives to this area, today it is well known for its lace made from agava tree - this is endemic and only made here, knowledge being traditionally passed to next generations for almost 130 years.

Stari Grad

Fishpond of Petar Hektorović

Fortress of Petar Hektorović (1487. – 1572.), with dovecot and fishpond within is the most famous building in Stari Grad.

This renesans poet has been building it for all of his long life, and for him it was as much important as it was his own poetry. In this building he has achieved his idea of microcosmos - small isolated world, where all living godly creatures have their space for living - fish, birds, plants and people (him, his friends, his holly vife, travelers, poor people).

The fortress is also a stone book - Hektorovic has carved in stone more than 20 writings on Latin and Italian language (on Italian only one - his life moto - Fede e realta o quanto e bella! - How beutiful is the faith and reality!), and also on Croatian language.

St. Stjepan Square

St. Stjepan
St. Stjepan
In front of the church of the same name, which was once first Croatian cathedral, it is the most important public space in Stari Grad. In the past times, judgements have been sentenced here and contracts have been made, and today, after ancient rythms have been changed it has become the oasis of contenplation and silence.

Church of St. Stjepan

is a baroque building. The work on building has started in year 1605 after the old cathedral and bishops convent were destroyed. The main portal and possibly the face of the church have been built by famous master from Korcula Ivan Pomenić, the person who built todays cathedral in city of Hvar.

The Stari Grad field (HORA)

Stari Grad field
Stari Grad field
Large land (field) in the middle of the island has been changing names as the masters have changed; greek; Khora Pharu, Roman Ager Pharensis, in the middle age Campus Sancti Stephani (The field of St. Stjepana), today  Stari Grad field. But always has remained an island belly; it has supported life during centuries.

There were always vineyards in the field and in middle ages and before, there was corn planted. On the edges ther was a fig trees. Almonds were closer to settlements, almost in the gardens. The olive trees were like today climbing to the hills. Between the olives, there was carobs. Even higher, there was a plants of lavander, planted after failure of vineyards (because of the desease) in the begining of xx century.

Today it is invaded by alep pine tree, which is slowly progessing to the edges of settlement. The Stari Grad field has been under protection of UNESCO together with a old town of Stari Grad.