hvar bays apartments

Accommodation in Hvar bays - holidays 2025!

Apartments in Hvar bays - Private accommodation - Lozna, Pokrivenik, Zaraca, Virak, Jagodna, Bojanic bad, Jedra, Srhov Dolac, Skozanje,Vela Lucica, Torac, Tvrdni Dolac, Smokvina, Prapratna, Vela Stiniva, Bristova
Hvar beachfront
The Hvar bays is what you are looking for if you imagine yourself on a holiday far away from the noises, traffic and stress of everyday life.

The noise of crickets and waves, while lying on the pebble beaches, or in the pine tree shade, and sparkling of cristal clear sea under summer sun will fill up all your batteries, make you wish you never go away.

The houses in bays both on the north and south side of the island were built by local inhabitants, initially as fisherman weekend houses, while the main residence was in willages inside the island. During time this houses were redecorated for tourism and renting.

Hvar bays
Some of the bays are so secluded, that there is no electricity, and houses have solar panels, fridges working on gas, large pools for water, etc.

Bays typically have from just one (Robinson houses), to 10 houses.

On our pages there is a large selection of rooms, apartments and houses for a beachfront accommodation in Hvar bays.

Hvar beachfront

On north side of the island is bay Lozna (near city of Hvar ), bays Girna Luka, Tatinja, Mudri DolacBasina bay (near Vrboska ), bays Prapratna, Vela Stiniva, Pokrivenik, Zaraća, Pobij and Virak (near Gdinj), bays Solotiša, Stara, Zavala and Bristova near Bogomolje.

On the south side of the Hvar island are bays Jagodna and Bojanic Bad (between Sveta Nedilja and Ivan Dolac ), and bays Jedra, Srhov Dolac, Skozanje, Vela Lucica, Torac, Tvrdni Dolac, Smrska and Smokvina (near Gdinj).